Saturday, November 21, 2009

Goals for Today

Lists make me happy.  I don't know why I've made lists as much as I do... but somehow they help me feel like I've done something.  So, I thought for today, I'd make a list of things that need to be done... even if ever so basic they are:

Make breakfast.
Clean out fridge.
Post all recipes that I've recently collected.
Clean out wallet and purse.
Find CVS card...
Fold clothes.
Unload and reload dishwasher.
Lunch- Leftover casserole, yum :)
Organize coupons.
Check money balances.
Pay utilities with card.
Watch football game (RTR!)
Take Brian's mom to Publix and CVS (Use my coupons!)
Get stuff she bought for me.
Make new peach cake recipe.
Sweep floor.
Clean 1/2 bath
Plan next week's menu.
Make a list for SAMs and Walmart for next Friday.
Clean up living room.
Bring in papers and things to grade.
Go to funeral by 6:00 :(

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