Saturday, November 21, 2009

Brenda's Red Velvet


1 Duncan Hines Butter Cake Mix (mixed according to the box)

Additional Ingredients for mix

2 T. Cocoa

2 t. White vinegar


2- 8 oz. Cream Cheese, softened

1 stick Butter, softened

2 t. Vanilla

2 box 10x sugar

Mix cake according to box.

After beating for 3 minutes, mix in cocoa.

Add in vinegar and mix again.

For Christmas, pour half in two small bowls and mix in one bottle green for one layer, and one bottle of red for another layer.

Bake according to cake box.

Cool in pan for 15 minutes and then move to wire rack.

Frost after 3 hours of cooling.

Optional- top with holly sprinkles

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